在面对整个考研英语这个科目,我们除了背单词以外更重要的是对各个题型有所把控。在各个题型中阅读分值占比最大 所以我们要放在最重要的地位。大纲对于阅读的考察主要有以下3个 :理解文章主旨要义,识别论点和论据,对于文章具体信息的理解。命题人根据大纲设置了6个题型,主旨大意 ,段落推断 ,例证题,态度题,词义句意题,细节题。其中必得分的题型是态度题和例证题。考频较多的是细节题。对于各个题型我们最重要的就是定位,先模糊,再精准。其中60%的题我们定位都是相对来说比较容易,但是由于大家的单词量不到位,导致对于定位句不是很理解,从而做不出来题或做不对。还有40%的题定位就比较难,是我们需要更深入的学习,才能帮助我们得分。
就比如例证题这个题型,But are such government mandates even necessary? Female participation on corporate boards may not currently mirror the percentage of women in the general population, but so what? The number of women on corporate boards has been steadily increasing without government interference. According to a study by Catalyst, between 2010 and 2015 the share of women on the boards of global corporations increased by 54 percent.
33. The author mentions the study by Catalyst to illustrate ______.
[A] the harm from arbitrary board decisions
[B] the importance of constitutional guarantees
[C] the pressure on women in global corporations
[D] the needlessness of government interventions
该题就是一道例证题,提问方式非常特别,总结一句话就是什么被提到为了什么。 33. The author mentions the study by Catalyst to illustrate ______. (2020年 text3)
36. Nalini Ambady’s study is cited as ______ . (2021年 text4)
21. A broken bike chain is mentioned to show students' lack of ______. (2018年
23. McRib is mentioned in Paragraph 3 to show that ______ . (2014年 text1)
34. Toyota Motor's experience is cited as an example of ______. (2011年 text3)
39. The story of John Dane shows that less well-educated New Englanders were often ______. (2009年 text4)以上都是例证题。既然识别没有问题那正常解题时会通过题干定位到文章中是Catalyst的这句话,但是答案其实在Catalyst的前一句解题。有很多同学十困惑,其实原因很简单,该题干问的是作者提到catalyst的研究是为了证明什么,在议论文中这则是论据,证明的是论点,并且论点和论据的位置通常情况下,论点在前论据在后,所以我们在定位时往前面看一句帮助我们解题。并且干扰选项通常来自论据本身,这就是为什么很多人对这类题型出错。
标签: 考研阅读